有炸彈!?Valentino Rockstud Spike


舒淇、安潔莉娜裘莉最近都帶了這一顆別具個性的包現身,這正是Valentino Rockstud Spike系列新生力軍!



手袋上鑲飾經過烏化塗層仿舊處理的錐形鉚釘,讓性感優雅之餘,更顯個性魅力。本季秋冬,在包款在尺寸上則有更多樣的選擇。由長方形輪廓再發展出方形包款,包含有小尺寸的方形肩背包以及更大尺且硬挺的肩背包,都是今年秋冬所推出的新單品。Rockstud Spike系列也延伸是鞋款,鞋履表面以工匠精巧的絎縫技術,鑲飾鉚釘以湊出龐克圓點圖案,使這顆充滿個性又優雅的包,更添收藏價值!


Angelina Jolie celebrates Mother’s day with her son Pax with a dinner date at TAO. Angelina wore a little black dress while Pax wore a skater shirt and sneakers. the mom and son pair were joined by a couple of bodyguards and ate dinner at the restaurant before heading home


text > Beryl Chang
 video > Valentino
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